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Wagner Control Stainer 150 Sprayer
Wagner Control Stainer 150 Sprayer
Wagner Control Stainer 150 Sprayer
Wagner Control Stainer 150 Sprayer
Wagner Control Stainer 150 Sprayer
Wagner Control Stainer 150 Sprayer
Wagner Control Stainer 150 Sprayer

Wagner Control Stainer 150 Sprayer

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The Control Stainer 150 is a basic sprayer that speeds up projects with comfort and control. Projects such as fences, decks, furniture, and railings will get done much faster and with less work.

The Control Stainer 150 provides an even and smooth finish spraying transparent to semi-transparent stains, lacquers, and urethanes. It is not suggested for paints.

The lightweight design and turbine power make it ideal for first-time users. Simple controls such as the adjustable material flow, pattern settings, and on/off switch make for quick learning and project preparation.

  • Apply stain on an 8’ x 10’ area in less than three minutes
  • Lightweight and compact design for easy maneuvering around projects
  • Control Finish nozzle sprays a smooth and consistent coverage
  • Sprays stains, sealer, and urethanes on outdoor projects
  • Pattern adjustment can be horizontal, vertical and narrow round
  • Adjustable paint flow to match covering speed and project size


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bf2023catchallshipCordedelectricFunctionality Testing/Basic Cleaning/Inspection & RepackagingHandheldpaintsprayerpmax ad handheld paint sprayersprisync711repriceROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200wagner