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Moldex 7000 Series Reusable Half Mask Respirators (1587283918883)
Moldex 7000 Series Reusable Half Mask Respirators (1587283918883)
Moldex 7000 Series Reusable Half Mask Respirators (1587283918883)
Moldex 7000 Series Reusable Half Mask Respirators (1587283918883)
Moldex 7000 Series Reusable Half Mask Respirators (1587283918883)
Moldex 7000 Series Reusable Half Mask Respirators (1587283918883)

Moldex 7000 Series Reusable Half Mask Respirators

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Lightweight design plus extra-wide sealing area provides all-day comfort. Mask drops down for convenient storage around neck or locks down for custom fit. Features adjustable head cradle and curved neck buckles for extra comfort. Low-profile design allows a wide field of vision. Fits under welding helmets and with safety glasses. Easy to clean and maintain. Available as pre-assembled respirators with the most popular cartridge/filter combinations. Paint spray/pesticide respirators include the added convenience of coming with organic vapor cartridges and N95 pre-filters. Multi-gas respirators come with 7600 Smart® cartridges which replace up to five gas/vapor cartridges, making cartridge selection easier for workers. P100 respirator comes with 7940P100 filter disks. NIOSH Approved.



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