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Hughes Equipment Inspection Record Cards - SERVICE-CARDS

Hughes Equipment Inspection Record Cards - SERVICE-CARDS

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Regular servicing and testing of Emergency Safety Showers and Eye/Facewash units is critical to ensuring proper functionality in the event of an emergency. Depending on the location and company procedures you may test daily or weekly and carry out servicing every 3, 6 or 12 months. Each time the equipment is tested or serviced in accordance with the agreed schedule, the person responsible dates and signs the tag.

Most Justrite shower and eye/facewashes come with an inspection record and holder, which can be attached to the shower or positioned close by where it can be readily available. When the tag is full, simply remove it from the holder and replace with a new inspection record. As a best practice, completed tags should be kept as a record of testing and servicing.

  • Document comprehensive service/test history for the life of the unit
  • Helps make identifying the site location and model simple
  • Plastic material ensures written records will last, even when exposed to water
  • Includes one blank tag with space for 13 service records



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