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Board Buddies W1104 - Anti-Kickback Hold-Down Devices For Table Saws - Yellow
Board Buddies W1104 - Anti-Kickback Hold-Down Devices For Table Saws - Yellow
Board Buddies W1104 - Anti-Kickback Hold-Down Devices For Table Saws - Yellow
Board Buddies W1104 - Anti-Kickback Hold-Down Devices For Table Saws - Yellow

Board Buddies W1104 - Anti-Kickback Hold-Down Devices For Table Saws - Yellow

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W1104 Board Buddies Anti-Kickback Hold-Down Devices

The W1104 Board Buddies® for table saws are made from die-cast aluminum and feature non-marring yellow neoprene rubber wheels.

The pair of spring-loaded wheels turn clockwise only, allowing these to function as anti-kickback and holddown devices.

You can mount these to fences that are 1-1/2" (38.1mm) to 3" (76.2mm) high x 1" (25.4mm) or wider.

Each Board Buddy consists of a mounting bracket, a main body, and a roller.

The main body has a pivot arm which accepts the roller, a housing which contains the pivot point and a roller pressure spring.

The W1104 instructions were written by our U.S.-based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information.

The complete and easy-to-read instructions makes it easier to set up and use your Board Buddies.

The Shop Fox Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are also U.S.-based.


  • Die-cast aluminum construction
  • Non-marring, neoprene wheels
  • Clockwise rotation only
  • Mounts to fences 1-1/2" to 3" high x 1" or wider
  • Prevents kickback on table saws
  • Great for router tables too!


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