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Accu-Sharp D3978 - Jig For Slow-Speed Grinder - Stubby Chisels
Accu-Sharp D3978 - Jig For Slow-Speed Grinder - Stubby Chisels
Accu-Sharp D3978 - Jig For Slow-Speed Grinder - Stubby Chisels
Accu-Sharp D3978 - Jig For Slow-Speed Grinder - Stubby Chisels
Accu-Sharp D3978 - Jig For Slow-Speed Grinder - Stubby Chisels

Accu-Sharp D3978 - Jig For Slow-Speed Grinder - Stubby Chisels

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Replace your standard tool rest with a sliding knife support mechanism that allows you to accurately sharpen knives and chisels wider than your grinding or sharpening wheel. The Accu-Sharp® Jig is fully adjustable and has a positive-lock clamping bracket that holds knives and chisels securely in place. Fits our G1036 Slow Speed Grinder. Used with stubby chisels. Made in the USA.

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