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3M  Polypropylene Strap Filament Tape 1/2"
3M  Polypropylene Strap Filament Tape 1/2"
3M  Polypropylene Strap Filament Tape 1/2"

3M Polypropylene Strap Filament Tape 1/2"

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Scotch Filament Tape 893 is a clear polypropylene backing reinforced with glass yarn filaments with a synthetic rubber resin adhesive.

Scotch Filament Tape 893 provides 300 lbs./in. width tensile strength ideal for strapping, bundling and reinforcing applications.


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.71"12mil180 '3m55mall other productsbf2023catchallshipCleardisc5not canadaPolypropylene Adhesive TapeprisyncROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledtapeunder-200