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3M ' Red/White Reflective Tape  (Red 11" White 7") 1-1/2"x150

3M ' Red/White Reflective Tape (Red 11" White 7") 1-1/2"x150

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3M™ Diamond Grade™ Conspicuity Markings Series 983 and 3M™ Flexible Prismatic Conspicuity Markings Series 963 are highly reflective and are pre-coated with an aggressive pressure sensitive adhesive for application to most clean, dry, wax-free, non-corroded, weather resistant surfaces.
The adhesive is protected by an easy-release liner. 3M™ conspicuity markings are intended to be applied to the side and rear perimeter of vehicles in a continuous stripe to enhance visibility and recognition by motorists.
Markings can be applied to flat surfaces (with and without rivets) and non-compound curved surfaces with a radius greater than 5 inches. For application to corrugated vehicles, apply the marking to the bottom and top rails or between corrugations if adequate flat surface is available.
Application is not recommended to rusted or corroded metal, loose or chalking paint, irregular shaped framework, bolts, rivets larger than 1/2 inch high, support plates, corrugations, within 1/8 inch of door hinges, exterior posts, weld joints, the end of the vehicle surface, or within 3 inches of mandated lights, reflectors, or turn signals.


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1.5 "150'3mAdhesive Reflective Tapeall other productsbf2023catchallshipdisc5not canadaprisyncRed/White TapeROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledtapeunder-200