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3M  Diamond Grade™ Conspicuity Markings 983-326 Red/White

3M Diamond Grade™ Conspicuity Markings 983-326 Red/White

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983-326 reflectors contain alternating six-inch bands of red and white reflective material.

Roll of alternating 6 inch red and 6 inch white, highly reflective, microprismatic sheeting with pressure sensitive adhesive for easy application to trucks, trailers and large vehicles to enhance visibility and detection distance.

  • Durable and rigid for easy application, 7 years non-prorated warranty, vivid colors with bright white ensures maximum reflectivity and superior daytime color.
  • 3M™ Diamond Grade™ Conspicuity Tape is six times brighter than conventional markings. It is the ideal truck tape to use to meet the DOT regulation. 3M's DOT reflective tape is highly durable and non-corroding.
  • 3M's DOT tape is certified and guaranteed to meet and exceed NHTSA requirements
  • Durable - resists weather, dirt and aging


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150'23mAdhesive Reflective Tapeall other productsbf2023catchallshipdisc5nogooglenot canadaprisyncRed/White TapeROAS 6.6spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200