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3M  Plastic Sheeting Clear Hi-Density 16'x400'

3M Plastic Sheeting Clear Hi-Density 16'x400'

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Wide plastic sheeting engineered with static cling, 3M™ Plastic Sheeting enables one person to quickly and efficiently mask a vehicle.

The clear, high density film provides effective paint protection and is tear-resistant yet easy to cut around the work area. Specially treated for high paint adhesion, the sheeting effectively captures paint overspray to prevent contaminating the repair.


Easy Placement and Broad Coverage
When painting panels, avoid unnecessary cleanup work by protecting other areas of the car from the mess. Use 3M™ Plastic Sheeting, designed to provide thorough auto body coverage with quick efficiency.

Engineered with the right amount of static for effective cling and featuring center printing to help with alignment, this roll of plastic sheeting is easy to handle so an operator can cover the vehicle single-handedly. The cling helps with placement, makes it easy to cut with maximum speed and accuracy, and enables easy finishing off with narrow masking tape.

Outstanding Adhesion Captures Paint Flecks
3M™ Plastic Sheeting not only offers greater coverage and ease of use, but uses advanced technology to provide excellent paint adhesion.

We specially treated the film to ensure paint adhesion of both solvent and waterborne paints, preventing overspray flecks from making their way onto a fresh paint job, and maintaining a cleaner work environment.

  • High-density, tear-resistant, durable polyethylene sheeting/film masks car from paint overspray and other contaminants during repairs
  • 3M engineered static cling makes the film easy to handle so one person can quickly cover the vehicle
  • The film is easy to cut so the required area can be removed with maximum speed and accuracy
  • Treated to ensure maximum overspray adhesion so flecks don't contaminate fresh paint


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190"3m400'all other productsbf2023catchallshipCleardisc5earpluglowmarginnogooglenot canadaprisyncProtective Plastic FilmROAS 6.6spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200