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3M  Blue Masking Tape 1.5" x 60'

3M Blue Masking Tape 1.5" x 60'

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Scotch-Blue™ Painter’s Tape for Multiple Surfaces is extremely easy to work with. You can count on it to remove cleanly for up to seven days. And you can rely on its excellent performance job after job, surface after surface. Previously sold as part number 06819.


  • Ideal for long-term masking projects when tape must be left on for up to a week. Removes cleanly and easily for up to seven days without leaving adhesive residue, even in direct sunlight. It is a medium adhesion tape that is ideal for trim, glass and metal. The acrylic adhesive sticks easily to the surface and stays intact upon removal, reducing labor and rework. Increased Light and UV Stability means clean removal. The crepe paper backing is smooth, ensuring consistent surface contact and secure holding power. The backing is also conformable, for easy handling that helps reduce overall project time. The tape removes from surfaces without unintended tearing. Our backing saturant makes the tape easy to tear, resistant to solvents that could bleed through. Tape doesn’t soften or transfer when wet.



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1.5 "3m60 'Adhesive Painting Tapeall other productsbf2023Blue Tapecatchallshipdisc5not canadaprisyncROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledtapeunder-200