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Trinco 1-40403 Model 40×40 Split Level Direct Pressure With DP850

Trinco 1-40403 Model 40×40 Split Level Direct Pressure With DP850

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A TrincoTM direct pressure cabinet utilizes an A.S.M.E. coded pressure pot to hold abrasive media. When the foot pedal control is depressed, air pressure is released into the pressure pot, pressurizing the pot and then forcing the media from the pot through the blasting hose to the nozzle.
Most TrincoTM pressure blast cleaning is done at 40-60 PSI. Due to these lower pressures, abrasive media breakdown is greatly reduced even though a high volume of media is being directed at the part to be cleaned. Most of the media is recovered through the recycling process.
TrincoTM Direct pressure blast cleaning is ideal for the very tough jobs, for applications where large surfaces must be cleaned quickly, for production blast cleaning or when the job requires the use of heavy mesh sizes of silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, garnet, etc.
Other popular medias that are used in TrincoTM pressure cabinets are glass beads, Trin-mixesTM, Rad-mix, and plastic blast cleaning media.


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