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Trimaco One Tuff® Delicate Floor Protector 24″ x 50′ - (Pack of 16)

Trimaco One Tuff® Delicate Floor Protector 24″ x 50′ - (Pack of 16)

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Don’t let the size fool you. One Tuff® provides delicate surface and floor protection from paint, stain, mud, water and more for all types of home improvement jobs. It easily rolls out flat and can be used time and time again on both floors and delicate surfaces.

The cloth side absorbs while the coated side provides maximum surface protection against leakage. Made of patented Sontara fabric, this surface protector will not disappoint. Proudly made in the USA. 

Looking for other temporary floor protection products for painting? Check out Trimaco’s line of surface protectors, canvas drop cloths, plastic drop cloths, and red rosin paper.
  • Leak resistant to all types of paints + stains
  • Slip-resistant
  • Durable + reusable floor protection for painting
  • Made in the USA
  • Won’t delaminate and is perfect for painting, plastering, and staining
  • Drapable to protect furniture, railings + more

NOTE: Send us a message to get a free sample of this product.


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