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Trimaco CX3® Self Adhering Surface Protective Film Technology - 24"x50' (Pack of 6)
Trimaco CX3® Self Adhering Surface Protective Film Technology - 24"x50' (Pack of 6)

Trimaco CX3® Self Adhering Surface Protective Film Technology - 24"x50' (Pack of 6)

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Our CX3 is unlike any protective film on the market. This pressure sensitive tacky film works on any surface and leaves absolutely no residue. We like to think of it as the protect all film of the century! With no adhesive added to the film, there is no risk of leaving it on too long. It works on a variety of surfaces including granite, stone, hardwood, carpet, tile, glass, laminate and more.

This all purpose protective film can be used on any jobsite and is repositionable for longer use. So, in essence, it will cover all areas of the jobsite; floors, walls, counter tops, windows, walkways, carpet, just about anywhere you can think to use it, CX3 will work! 
  • Protects all surfaces
  • Leaves no residue
  • Long lasting and repositionable
  • Smaller size is great for protecting railings
  • Pressure sensitive film

Choice of:

  • 12″ x 50′ - 4pk
  • 24″ x 50′ - 6pk
  • 24″ x 200′ - 1pk

Check out our variety of additional protective films, or our other heavy duty surface protection products.

NOTE: Send us a message to get a free sample of this product!


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