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Titan SC-6+ Synergy Fine Finishing Tip

Titan SC-6+ Synergy Fine Finishing Tip

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SC-6+ Synergy Fine Finishing Tips - 671-XXX

  • The industry’s longest-lasting orifice
  • Up to 22% wider fan pattern
  • Fits all Titan and most industry standard guards

Airless spray tips are a key component to the successful operation of an airless spray system. They define the spray pattern, control the flow, atomize the coating and ultimately tell the pump how hard it must work. A proper understanding of airless tips is critical to the success of any airless application.

Tip Characteristics
It is important to remember that the orifice size, in conjunction with the fan-width, determines the spray characteristics of the tip.

Tip Wear
When beginning a project, choosing the right tip size and fan width will determine both coating consumption and production time. If the tip size is wrong — either by choice or through wear — mil thicknesses will be too heavy and the finish will be unprofessional.

The spray pattern chart demonstrates what happens as a tip wears. As wear occurs, the pattern size decreases and the orifice size increases. You will have to make more passes to cover the same area. There is no standard rate of tip wear due to the variation of the abrasiveness of all coatings.


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