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Titan Impact 640 3300 PSI @ 0.70 GPM Electric Airless Paint Sprayer - Low Rider

Titan Impact 640 3300 PSI @ 0.70 GPM Electric Airless Paint Sprayer - Low Rider

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The IMPACT™ 640 continues the climb to increased performance. This mid-range unit is perfect for residential, property maintenance, rental, and light commercial applications and is equipped with digital technology for improved efficiency.

  • Designed to consistently spray 75-100 gallons per week
  • Recommended for small and medium residential and commercial projects
  • Includes RX-Pro Gun, TR1 517 Tip, and 50' Airless Hose

Sprays stains, lacquers, enamels, latex, and other low and medium viscosity coatings.


  • Quad + Packings - designed to wipe abrasive coatings clean during operations preventing damage to the piston or the main sealing lip    
  • Auto-Oiler™ with the push of a button you deliver oil from the reservoir directly to the packings    
  • Sureflo™ Pusher Valve lets you release a stuck lower ball valve without using a hammer (available on selected units)    
  • DuraLife™ Brushless HE motor    
  • Full-size manifold filter    
  • Easy load cart    
  • Semi full pneumatic tires


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.027.70 GPM1 Gun1.55HP2000-3500300 ft.3300 PSI50 ft. Hoseall other productsaodd discountbf2023BOnoETAcanadaElectricLow Ridermap pricemap priced itemOil Basedpaintsprayerpmax ad electric airlesspmax ad electric airless paint sprayersROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledtitan