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Schulz of America SRP-3008 COMPACT-3 125 PSI @ 25 CFM  460V Compact Series Rotary Screw Air Compressor

Schulz of America SRP-3008 COMPACT-3 125 PSI @ 25 CFM 460V Compact Series Rotary Screw Air Compressor

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Open and enclosed models - Air cooled - PLC or basic controls
Tank or base mounted options - Low RPMs - TEFC Motors (except SRP3008, 3015 and 4008)

STANDARD - 2 year Airend Warranty / EXTENDED 5 YEAR WARRANTY - Available Upon Request

The Compact Line was developed with products from 7.5 to 40 hp for companies that are looking for a reliable operation and low investment. Designed opened without enclosures, these compressors can operate 24 hours continuous and offer compressed air with high efficiency. Their compact design allows installation in small places with easy access to all maintenance components. Furthermore, Compact Rotary Screws come with a simple electric starter control that saves time and money during installation and operation. Compact is the solution for those seeking an excellent cost x benefit ratio. Choose yours.

Free Air @125 PSI (CFM) 25
Voltage (V) 460
Free Air @125 psi (l/min) 722
Motor Power (kW) 5.5
Noise Level (dbA) 83
Tank Size (gal) 60
Discharge Connection (in) 1/2"
Motor Power (hp) 7.5
Maximum Operating Pressure (PSI) 125
Code 970.3891-0


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125 PSI25 CFM460V5000-700060 gal.7.5HPaircompressorbf2023catchallshipnot canadapmax ad electric air compressorsprisyncROAS 3RotaryRotary Screwschulz-of-america