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BRAD-BD1-PRO Portable Breathing Air System

BRAD-BD1-PRO Portable Breathing Air System

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Reading Technologies breathing air systems monitor Grade "D" breathable air. They offer several different BRAD systems to choose from.

Features include:

* Deep bed activated carbon pre-filter for hydrocarbon removal to 0.003 PPM
* 0.01 micron final filter designed for fine particulate and oil removal at 99.9998 percent efficiency
* Dual 1/2 in. outlets with 1/4 in. high-flow quick-disconnects
* Rated for up to 60 SCFM
* Heavy-duty, high-flow regulator assembled with FDA lubricant
* 0 to 60 PSIG mini-regulator controls air pressure to monitor
* Low air sample rate through monitor
* 110 V AC electrical
* Radio frequency cancellation feature--if the monitor senses an RF signal, it will not alarm unless the signal lasts for 10 seconds or longer

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