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RPB Safety NV-4000-20 Hot Tube W/BSP Thread Belt

RPB Safety NV-4000-20 Hot Tube W/BSP Thread Belt

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The RPB® 4000-20 Hot Air Tube Assembly warms compressed breathing air coming into respirators by as much as 30 °F(17 °C). The 4000-20 Hot Air Tube helps to maximize worker comfort and increase productivity in cold climates.

The 4000-20 Hot Air Tube Assembly is fitted with an airflow regulator that allows the user to adjust the outgoing air temperature to suit their requirements. All components of the 4000-20 are replaceable and the unit can be disassembled for cleaning and maintenance.

The 4000-20 is manufactured from non toxic engineering plastic which is extremely robust and ideal for the rigors of the workplace.


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