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RPB Safety 16-015-23 Z-Link Helmet: Z-Link, Includes Breathing Tube, Intrinsically Safe, Loose Fitting

RPB Safety 16-015-23 Z-Link Helmet: Z-Link, Includes Breathing Tube, Intrinsically Safe, Loose Fitting

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RPB Z-Link PAPR (powered air-purifying respirator) assemblies and partial systems include parts required to build a full system or to replace worn parts on existing PAPR (powered air-purifying respirator) systems. PAPRs have a belt-mounted blower unit that passes ambient air through a filter before sending it to the headgear so workers have clean, breathable air. They allow workers to move freely and unrestricted because the filter and power source are worn on the body. System parts are compatible with components of the same brand and series.


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