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RPB® 16-0032 Z-Link® Respirator

RPB® 16-0032 Z-Link® Respirator

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16-0032 RPB Z-Link Respirator, includes: 16-110-12 Z-Link with Tychem 2000 Face Seal, 04-831 Breathing Tube, 03-601 HX5 PAPR Assembly - NIOSH

The Z-Link provides you with versatile protection, perfect for use across multiple applications.

Complete versatility
The Z-Link can be configured in multiple variations, so that you can wear it your way. With the detachable Z-Link+ welding visor, five lens options, five cape types, a fully adjustable head suspension and airflow, along with optional accessories, the Z-Link lets you add, change, or remove features as you need.

Design Features

  • Large, optically clear, grinding visor with Z87+ certified eye protection
  • Choose from five Z87+ certified visors: clear, mirror tint, smoke tint, infrared shade 5, yellow tint
  • Fixed jaw to ensure secure cape attachment
  • Shoulder cape or face seal available
  • Choose from three cape materials: Tychem® 2000, Tychem® 4000, Zytec® FR
  • APF of greater than 1000 when used with the face seal or shoulder cape, APF of greater than 500 when used with the chin seal
  • Polystyrene top liner for impact asborption
  • Swivel inlet fitting for easy breathing tube attachment
  • Gray heat-reflecting shell for lower in-helmet temperatures
  • Compatible with supplied air or powered air

Productivity Features

  • Tear-off lenses available to extend the life of the main grinding visor lens

Comfort Features

  • Air deflector enables incoming air to be directed over the lens or over the face
  • Molded padding fits closely to your head to evenly spread weight

Accessories (not included)

RPB Z-Link+ welding visor
RPB Comms-Link™ in-helmet communication system, compatible with most radios
RPB Vision-Link™ helmet light for work in dark environments
RPB Quiet-Link™ ear defenders for high noise environments
Optional FR breathing tube cover available


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