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RPB® NV3-704-50 Nova 3 Blast Helmet w/ Hot Air Tube

RPB® NV3-704-50 Nova 3 Blast Helmet w/ Hot Air Tube

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RPB Nova 3 Respirator, includes: Nova 3, NV3-750 Nylon Cape, NV2021B SAR Breathing Tube, 4000-20 Hot Air Tube Assembly - NIOSH

RPB® Nova 3 blast hood (Helmet) is an advance on the RPB® Nova 2000™ in comfort and functionality. Customizable to suit individual needs, which further enhances employees’ performance.

RPB® Nova 3 Blast Hood Certifications include:
NIOSH, CE, ANSI Z87+ and ANSI Z89.1.

As a heavy breathing air respirator , the Nova 3 Helmet is designed to advance safety and productivity.

Nova 3 Blast Helmet features a ratchet adjustable neck pad ensures appropriate head support. The molded inner ‘Clever fit padding’ design helps absorb sound, protect hearing, and is fully adjustable. It allows for unique customization to correctly fit all users and is easily removable. As an added bonus, the padding is also washable!

Revolutionary weightless design distributes weight evenly across the head and shoulders.

One-click lens replacement. Save time replacing the inner, outer, and tear off lenses.

And don’t forget all the upgrades like helmet lights and communication systems! (not yet listed, but are offered. Contact us for more details)


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