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RPB® NV2000-40 Nova 2000 Blast Helmet w/ C40 Climate Control (Nylon Cape)
RPB® NV2000-40 Nova 2000 Blast Helmet w/ C40 Climate Control (Nylon Cape)
RPB® NV2000-40 Nova 2000 Blast Helmet w/ C40 Climate Control (Nylon Cape)
RPB® NV2000-40 Nova 2000 Blast Helmet w/ C40 Climate Control (Nylon Cape)

RPB® NV2000-40 Nova 2000 Blast Helmet w/ C40 Climate Control (Nylon Cape)

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RPB Nova 2000 Respirator, includes: Nova 2000, NV2002 Nylon Cape, NV2021B SAR Breathing Tube, 03-501 C40 Climate Control Device - NIOSH

The Nova 2000 embodies ingenuity and practicality at its core, enabling you to get more out of your day.

Superior Comfort
With its unique padding system and motorcycle fit the Nova 2000 completely revolutionized the abrasive blasting market when it was released in 1994. Its quality design and construction has enabled it stand the test of time, and is why it’s still one of the most comfortable and durable respirators in the world.

Design Features

  • All padding is machine washable for hygiene purposes
  • Streamlined air flow design directs air to the breathe zone and prevents fogging of the lens
  • Tough helmet shell, with UV stabilization and abrasion resistance
  • Multi-layered sound-deadening foam for hearing protection
  • Robust latch that is easy to locate and use
  • Cape is securely attached with 8 snap fasteners
  • Choose from five cape options
  • Compatible with supplied air

Comfort Features

  • Close-fitting padding ensures the helmet fits snugly and moves with your head
  • Head dome and side padding comes in three sizes to ensure a proper fit

Compatible with the optional RPB Nova 2000 Talk™ radio communication system

Air supply SAR
Respirator type Abrasive Blasting
Available attachments & accessories Nova 2000® Talk™ Tear-off lenses
Head protection Integrated hard hat
Hearing protection Yes
Eye protection Yes
Cape/hood types Nylon
Assigned protection factor  1000
Top-rated feature Comfortable and durable.


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