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RPB® 17-018-13 T-Link ® Respirator - PX5 PAPR Assembly

RPB® 17-018-13 T-Link ® Respirator - PX5 PAPR Assembly

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17-018-13 RPB T-Link Respirator, includes: 17-010 T-Link Hard Hat Assembly, 17-713 Tychem 4000 Sealed Seams Hood, 04-831 Breathing Tube, 03-801 PX5 PAPR Assembly - NIOSH

The T-Link provides high quality respiratory, skin and eye protection in a lightweight package.

Industry use

Complete comfort
The T-Link's padded head-liner and head suspension system helps support even weight distribution, while relieving pressure points on your head to maximize comfort. With the optional Comfort-Link™ padding system, this can offer further stability and comfort.

Design Features

  • Large viewing window for exceptional downward and peripheral vision.
  • Choose between lightweight bump cap or ANSI Z89.1 certified hard hat protection.
  • Hood with ANSI Z87 approved safety lens is available.
  • Fixed lens frame ensures the lens will never hit your nose.
  • Breathing tube easily attaches to the respirator and swivels to eliminate tangles.
  • 2 cape materials available: Dupont™ Tychem® 2000, Dupont™ Tychem® 4000.
  • Compatible with SAR and PAPR.

Comfort Features

  • Soft, breathable inner-bib and extra tuck-in collar directs air down your body to aid in cooling.
  • Fully adjustable padding system ensures a snug fit.
  • Air deflector allows incoming air to be directed over the lens or over the wearer's face.

Productivity Features

  • Peel-off lenses are available to protect the main lens from overspray, and can quickly be peeled off as overspray builds up with minimal interruption to workflow.


Comms-Link™ in-helmet communication system for radio communications.
Quiet-Link™ ear muffs for high noise environments.
Vision-Link™ light attaches directly to the jaw of the T-Link underneath the hood to illuminate the wearer's workspace.


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