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Rapidair REFRIGERATED, 75 CFM, 3/4", 115V

Rapidair REFRIGERATED, 75 CFM, 3/4", 115V

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Digital Cycling Refrigerated Dryers have integrated pre-filters and after-filters. They use electricity to cool the air and automatically drain the water removed. Other than keeping the heat exchanger clean from dust and conducting regular filter element changes, no service is required.
The Pre-Filter (P) is a 1-micron general-purpose filter that protects the dryer and high-performance 3-in-1 heat exchanger from dirt and oil. The after-filter (Y) is a 0.01-micron high-efficiency oil removal filter designed to deliver consistent clean and dry air.
The Digital Controller has digital dew point monitoring, an Energy-Saving mode display, a periodic maintenance interval display, status reports, hours run meter, and a Fahrenheit / Centigrade selection.
  •  Advantages
    • – Low-pressure drop saves compressor power
    • Quick start and reaction time provide additional production time.
    • Every dryer is specially designed with the right components to consume the lowest energy.
    • Highly energy-efficient and environmentally friendly R134a refrigerant across all models.
    • R513a refrigerant is optional.
    • A state-of-the-art heat exchanger design provides the highest cost saving in the industry.
    • Best-in-class refrigerant compressors consume less energy than competition dryers.
    • Pressure switches control the condenser’s fan motor to save energy and let the system operate at desired conditions.

Alphapure Brochure

Digital Cycling and Non Cycling Refriderated Dryers


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