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PaintLine PSDR.H PSDR Hanger Set (50)
PaintLine PSDR.H PSDR Hanger Set (50)
PaintLine PSDR.H PSDR Hanger Set (50)
PaintLine PSDR.H PSDR Hanger Set (50)

PaintLine PSDR.H PSDR Hanger Set (50)

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These heavy-duty metal hangers eliminate the annoying and costly failure of wooden clothes hangers. They are custom-fit to the size of the ProDryingRack SD (PSDR) Series rack for minimum swing, allowing you to hang cabinet doors and parts closer together.

• Set of 50 PSDR Heavy Duty Hangers

• Color: Orange

• Material: powder-coated steel

• Does not include a bag. Bag sold separately.

11" length


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