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PaintLine PDREX4 Expandable 4-Tower Drying Rack, w/Stabilizers, 15 Levels

PaintLine PDREX4 Expandable 4-Tower Drying Rack, w/Stabilizers, 15 Levels

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The ProDryingRack EX Plus Series is a heavy duty rack that can be configured with either three or four towers, each with 15 removable shelves, providing up to 180” of horizontal rack space on each level. The PDREX Plus uses the two-towered, expandable PDREX as the base rack configuration for the series. Each tower includes heavy duty, 5” locking casters and anti-torque stabilizers for rolling the entire rack to the desired shop area.Clamp levers in the back easily allow the user to expand and contract the rack before loading. With a high-quality, all-metal build, including fully gusseted support, reinforced bottom plate construction and powder coated finish, the ProDryingRack EX Plus is a must-have for any cabinet or woodworking shop that needs lots of horizontal rack space.• PDREX4: Four tower rack with stabilizers and shelves, with 180” of horizontal rack space on each level and 1,800 LBS weight capacity. • Removable, quick release shelves for a variety of part sizes.• Quick release front, back, and top support.

  • Color: Orange base, white tube shelves
  • For Use With: Drying cabinet doors and parts
  • Length: 60"-180"
  • Material: Powder coated steel
  • Width: 35"
  • Height: 65"


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