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PaintLine PJSB Centrifugal Blower (Allegro Brand)

PaintLine PJSB Centrifugal Blower (Allegro Brand)

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PJSB™ Blower

Allegro Centrifugal Blower 9504-50, ideal for use with the Portable Jobsite Spray Booth™ (PJSB).

Designed for larger confined space environments that require faster purge times. Its tough, lightweight polyethylene housing offers durability while the metal safeguards and steel fan offer greater safety. Two 8″ ports offer positive ventilation or fume extraction, and the metal base with feet offers greater stability. The electric 3/4 hp motor offers a higher CFM output and is cage-enclosed for protection. It also includes an On/Off switch and built-in carry handle for increased portability. Certified to CSA Standard C22.2 No. 113

To be used with Non-Flammable / Non-Combustible Paints & Solvents Only. Use with proper respirator.

  • PJSB Blower is included with the:
  • PJSB Blower Bundle

PJSB Blower is not included with the:

  • Portable Jobsite Spray Booth (PJSB)
  • PJSB Pro Bundle


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