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PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower
PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower

PaintLine PJSB Bundle - all accessories except Blower

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PJSB™ Pro Bundle

Please note that this PJSB Pro Bundle does not include the PJSB Blower.


  • 1 Portable Jobsite Spray Booth and carry bag
  • 15 disposable liners (3 pack + 12 pack)
  • 1 Exhaust Vent Attachment
  • 1 box of Air Filters (50 total)
  • 15 ft of Ducting
  • 1 12" to 8" Duct Reducer

The Portable Jobsite Spray Booth™ (PJSB) has a precision-manufactured, fully collapsible, aluminum frame and uses disposable plastic liners to protect the jobsite while spraying non-flammable, non-combustible finishes. This walk-in, open-faced booth sets up in minutes without tools, and packs into one carry bag for easy transport between jobs. Designed for indoor use on job sites or in workshops.

This affordable, portable, professional spray booth is the perfect solution for spraying/applying finishes, sanding, routing or any other application where you want to keep particulate contained and/or away from your work pieces. With its disposable liners, the PJSB can be used over and over again, providing years of service, saving thousands of dollars in set-up and clean-up costs.

To be used with Non-Flammable / Non-Combustible Paints & Solvents Only. Use with proper respirator.


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