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IWATA W400-142G Gravity Spray Gun

IWATA W400-142G Gravity Spray Gun

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4705 W-400 W400-142G GUN ONLY

From the development of our first spray gun in 1925 to our new Century Series, ANEST IWATA has been the pioneer in spray technology for over 75 years. ANEST IWATA’s commitment to quality, innovation and service is unparalleled. Look to ANEST IWATA as the leader in the spray gun industry.

Center post gravity fed spray gun with high transfer efficiency control and superior atomization.

Usage: Base Coat, Clear Coat, Single Stage, Woodwork, Metal


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1.4 mm200-500210 ml/min79.7 dB(A)8.9”9.9 CFM98 PSIbf2023catchallshipConventionalGravity FediwataNON-HVLPpaintspraygunpmax ad paint spray gunsrepriceROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledspo-notify-me-disabledSpray Guns