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IWATA 5080 TOF-50 TOF-50-082P Spray Gun

IWATA 5080 TOF-50 TOF-50-082P Spray Gun

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5080 TOF-50 TOF-50-082P SPRAY GUN - Special Build

The gun is compact, lightweight and easy to handle and features a wide tulip pattern, which makes it useful in narrow spaces and for short-distant spraying.


  • Both the air and liquid joints are located at the bottom of the grip, which makes the gun very easy to handle.
  • Its compact size and light weight allow the worker to work for a long time without fatigue.
  • The body is made of forged aluminum and alumited, making it resistant to corrosion.
  • The trigger and many other peripheral parts are made of stainless steel for rust prevention.
  • Vaseline is used as grease for all the sliding parts on the air path.
  • The body has pearskin finish for the slippery release agent.
  • The fluid and pattern adjusting knobs have a locking mechanism to prevent the worker from making operation mistakes.
  • The gun hook can be fixed at the top or on the side of the gun and hung on the worker's belt or other place.
  • The gun hook (with 2 washer-embedded screws) is optional (parts code No. 93018920).


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