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Karcher 1.006-192.0 Chariot™ 2 iScrub 20 Deluxe + Li-ion Stand-on Floor Scrubber

Karcher 1.006-192.0 Chariot™ 2 iScrub 20 Deluxe + Li-ion Stand-on Floor Scrubber

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We've updated the Chariot™ 2 iScrub 20 Deluxe to include Lithium-Ion batteries. Everything else about this machine is what you know and love. With the new Lithium-Ion batteries, you'll experience longer run times, faster charging, unlimited opportunity charging, and a 5-year unlimited cycle life warranty. Manage your batteries worry free with the Chariot™ 2 iScrub 20 Deluxe.

Technical data

Working width (in) 20
Brush quantity (Piece(s)) 2
Cleaning solution capacity (gal) max. 10
Dirty water container capacity (gal) 10
Spray rate (gal/min) 0.75
Operating noise level-std. mode (dB(A)) 68
Battery voltage (V) 36
Brush quantity 1
Brush contact pressure (lb) 50
Brush diameter (rpm) 180
Traction motor (W) 280
Power rating brush (W) 209
Amps (W) 209
Air flow (cfm) 72
Waterlift (inH2O) 47.3
Practical working capacity (ft²/hr) 18000
Ship Weight (with accessories) (lb) 490.4
Dimensions (L x W x H) (in) 44 x 27.2 x 51.8


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