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Edwards - 75 Ton Ironworker 1 Phase, 230 Volt with PowerLink

Edwards - 75 Ton Ironworker 1 Phase, 230 Volt with PowerLink

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The 75 Ton Ironworker makes quick work of heavier jobs with increased capacity on the punch, flat bar and angle shear, allowing for fast and easy transitions between fabrications. This 4 workstation Ironworker has a Coper Notcher installed and also accepts 12 interchangeable Attachments and 17 Accessories so you can modify as needed. Other features include an electric foot pedal with integrated jog control and bright LED lights to increase visibility. In addition, the PowerLink™ System increases your capabilities by turning your Ironworker into a power source for our line of Hydraulic Tools. Perfect for those projects that just need a little more capacity.




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