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BR 75/75 W Bp Classic Walk-Behind Floor Scrubber w/  114 Ah Lithium Batteries & Shelf Charger

BR 75/75 W Bp Classic Walk-Behind Floor Scrubber w/ 114 Ah Lithium Batteries & Shelf Charger

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The BR 75/75 W Bp Classic is a cylindrical walk-behind scrubber with traction drive, designed for simplicity, reliability, and ease of use. It can tackle challenging environments with its exceptional cleaning ability and rugged construction. Not only is the BR 75/75 incredibly effective, it's also incredibly easy to use and maintain. Its lightweight frame and excellent sight lines makes it highly maneuverable, even able to turn in spaces as narrow as 5.1 feet in width. The die cast aluminum scrub decks and squeegee assemblies provide unbeatable durability, as the increased contact pressure of the cylindrical brushes ensure exceptional cleaning. With the yellow color coding you have come to know from Kärcher, identifying important operator touch points is a breeze. With its 30-inch working width and 40.5-inch suction width this scrubber covers up to 30,645 square feet per hour. Get the job done with ease using the BR 75/75 Cylindrical W Bp Classic – a machine that's simple, powerful and delivers exceptional results every time..


  • Standard main roller brushes
  • Powerful traction drive
Drive type Battery
Brush working width (in) 30
Vacuum working width (in) 41
Fresh / waste water tank (gal) 19.8 / 19.8
Battery (V/Ah) 6 / 190
Power supply for battery charger (V/Hz) 110 / 50
Brush speed (rpm) 600
Brush contact pressure (lb) 66
Sound pressure level (dB(A)) 65
Dimensions (L x W x H) (in) 59.8 x 31.9 x 41.9


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19.8 gal.30-in.600 rpm65 dB(A)aodd discountBatterybf2023BOnoETACylindricalfloorscrubberkarcherLithiummap pricemap priced itemnot canadaover-15000pmax ad vacuumpmax ads scrubberROAS 3Shelfspo-defaultspo-disabledspo-notify-me-disabled