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Baileigh Industrial - 220V 1Phase 4' x 8' CNC Plasma Cutting Table with Automatic Torch Height Control and Water Table

Baileigh Industrial - 220V 1Phase 4' x 8' CNC Plasma Cutting Table with Automatic Torch Height Control and Water Table

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With variable height control, the PT-48AH-W makes perfect cuts in uneven material. This CNC plasma table comes assembled with a heavy steel frame and includes design software.

  • 60" x 100" working area.
  • Runs on 220-volt single-phase power, so it will work at most sites in North America.
  • Customers love the design software package (more details below), which takes just a few minutes to learn.
  • You can control the X, Y, and Z axes using the integrated panel on the podium.
  • Automatic height control is integrated into the operator’s panel, eliminating secondary systems found on many other tables.
  • Operators podium provides space for plasma power unit even while cutting.
  • If the material is uneven or puckers under the heat of the torch, the variable height control will rise or lower in real time while cutting.
  • X, Y, and Z axes are controlled by quality stepper motors, allowing for fast and fluid movement.
  • Fully enclosed wires and electronics prevent snags and tangles.
  • Made of heavy-gauge boxed steel, this CNC plasma cutting machine can easily support large, thick industrial-sized sheets of metal.
  • Steel frame will remain straight and accurate over the years—unlike competing plasma tables with aluminum frames, which will warp from heat.
  • Ground, hardened, and polished square rails combined with linear orbital bearings add impressive strength to the machine.
  • Arrives pre-built at your shop, so you don’t have to spend hours putting it together and risk misalignment.
  • Integrated water table helps control smoke and dust created while cutting to help keep your shop clean.
  • To get started just:
  • Uncrate the machine.
  • Add a plasma system, power, and a clean, dry air supply.
  • Fill tank with water.


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