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B 80 W Bp R 65 Walk-Behind Scrubber

B 80 W Bp R 65 Walk-Behind Scrubber

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9.841-198.0 B 80 W Bp, R 65 cylindrical scrub deck, 24V/225 Ah wet batteries, on-board charger, with curved squeegee

The B 80 W Bp battery powered scrubber drier offers a variety of battery options (24 V, 225, 260 Ah and 255 Ah AGM). With brush head and disc brushes, fully automatic squeegee raising and lowering function, 30" working width, large LCD color display, traction drive and KIK key system for protection against incorrect operation. Additional features include: eco!efficiency mode extends battery life, tank rinsing system for automatic cleaning of the dirty water tank without splash back as well as auto-fill function for convenient filling of the water tank. FACT technology, controls the speed of the roller brush and can be adjusted for different cleaning applications. Power Clean - 100% power, for stubborn dirt and polishing. Whisper Clean - 60% power, reduces noise levels and ensures longer working intervals with low power consumption. Fine Clean - 40% power, optimum for cleaning gray film from stoneware tiles in conjunction with green roller brush. Kärcher Fleet comes pre-installed on this machine to provide you complete visibility of your machine.
Scope of Supply
  • Battery and charger included
  • Battery type, wet
  • FACT
  • Coin-op high-pressure cleaners
  • Charger
  • Corded
  • Triple nozzles
  • Standard main roller brushes
  • 2-tank system

Cleaning path/width in 20
Brush type Cylindrical
Brush quantity units 2
Suction bar (squeegee) width in 39
Drive pad-assist/traction Traction
Solution/recovery capacity gal 21/21
Theoretical / practical productivity ft2 / h 27,980 / 18,180
Operating noise level - std / Eco! mode dBA 69 / 66
Battery charger shelf/on-board On-Board
Brush contact pressure lbs 213
Brush speed rpm 400-1,550
Drive/vac motor rating watts 350 / 580
Vac motor suction cfm 53
Waterlift in of water 67
Weight (excl. battery / with battery) lbs 282 / 617
Dimensions (L x W x H) in 61 x 29 x 45


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20-in.21-gal.400-1550 rpm69/66 dB(A)aodd discountBatterybf2023BOnoETAcanadaCylindricalEcofloorscrubberkarchermap pricemap priced itemnot canadaOn-boardover-15000pmax ads scrubberROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledspo-notify-me-disabledWet