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B 80 W BP + R 65 + 255 AGM + OBC Walk-Behind Scrubber

B 80 W BP + R 65 + 255 AGM + OBC Walk-Behind Scrubber

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B 80 W BP + R 65 + 255 AGM + OBC

9.841-200.0 B 80 W Bp, R 65 cylindrical scrub deck, 24V/255 Ah AGM batteries, on-board charger, with curved squeegee

Cleaning path/width in 20
Brush type Cylindrical
Brush quantity units 2
Suction bar (squeegee) width in 39
Drive pad-assist/traction Traction
Solution/recovery capacity gal 21/21
Theoretical / practical productivity ft2 / h 27,980 / 18,180
Operating noise level - std / Eco! mode dBA 69 / 66
Battery charger shelf/on-board On-Board
Brush contact pressure lbs 213
Brush speed rpm 400-1,550
Drive/vac motor rating watts 350 / 580
Vac motor suction cfm 53
Waterlift in of water 67
Weight (excl. battery / with battery) lbs 282 / 617
Dimensions (L x W x H) in 61 x 29 x 45


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20-in.21-gal.400-1550 rpm69/66 dB(A)AGMaodd discountBatterybf2023BOnoETAcanadaCylindricalEcofloorscrubberkarchermap pricemap priced itemnot canadaOn-boardover-15000pmax ads scrubberROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledspo-notify-me-disabled