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Spill-X® Multi-Purpose Neutralizing Kit

Spill-X® Multi-Purpose Neutralizing Kit

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Neutralizes smaller spills for safer cleanup and handling – great for labs.

  • Packed with spill control agents that neutralize a wide range of hazardous chemicals and solvents
  • Spill-X-A Acid-Neutralizing Adsorbent neutralizes and solidifies most mineral and organic acids for safe and easy cleanup, including sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric, and hydrofluoric
  • Spill-X-C Caustic-Neutralizing Adsorbent neutralizes and solidifies many caustics for safe and easy cleanup, including sodium hydroxide (50%) and ammonium hydroxide (29%)
  • Spill-X-S Solvent Adsorbent adsorbs spills of many common hydrocarbon solvents, reagents and fuels; solidified liquid is easier to clean up
  • Granular base lets you use only what you need; reduces product waste and disposal costs
  • Speeds spill cleanup to limit worker exposure and minimize production downtime
  • Non-toxic, free-flowing dry chemical is environmentally safe
  • Agents packed in easy-to-use shaker bottles
Get the stuff you use most, right when you need it, shipped automatically.
Brand Spill-X
Fluid Absorbed Neutralizes Acids; Neutralizes Bases; Neutralizes Solvents
Neutralizing Capacity Up to 1/2 gal. per Container or 3 gal. Total
Unit Weight 2 lb.
Sold as 6 containers per box
Weight 12 lbs.
Composition Acid: Sodium Carbonate, Magnesium Oxide
Caustic: Fumaric Acid
Solvent: Activated Carbon
UNSPSC 47131902
Pigalog® Page Number Page 72


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