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PIG® Aerosol Four-Can Recycler
PIG® Aerosol Four-Can Recycler
PIG® Aerosol Four-Can Recycler
PIG® Aerosol Four-Can Recycler
PIG® Aerosol Four-Can Recycler

PIG® Aerosol Four-Can Recycler

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Puncture four aerosol cans at once for easy, legal recycling without worrying about hazardous waste disposal. The only four-can recycler on the market!

  • Save time emptying aerosol cans for recycling with a system that can puncture four aerosol cans at once
  • Puncturing and draining aerosol cans turns hazardous waste that's expensive to dispose of into non-hazardous waste that can be recycled as scrap metal
  • Eliminates the risks associated with illegal aerosol disposal and the expense of haz waste handling
  • Minimizes worker injuries caused by fire, explosion or VOC release from improperly emptied or unemptied cans
  • Recycling unit mounts directly into 2" bung on a 55-gallon closed-head steel drum; residual liquids drain directly into drum
  • Adjustable threaded support plungers make it easy to safely puncture 2-3" diameter cans — cans that are under 7" in height will require support plungers; cans that are over 7" will require support plungers to be removed (see resources & downloads for assembly instructions)
  • Combination coalescing/carbon filter captures odors and potentially harmful VOCs released by punctured aerosol cans
  • Timestrip indicator eliminates the guesswork of filter changeouts
  • Combination coalescing/carbon filter life is three months
  • Angled hardened steel pins puncture cans cleanly without leaving jagged edges
  • Included ground wire helps prevent static electricity buildup
  • Selling scrap steel can help you meet waste minimization goals at your facility
  • The drum should not be filled more than 70% full to provide proper displacement for released contents
  • NOTE: Always operate system outdoors or in a well-ventilated area; do not puncture full can if drum is more than 50% full
  • NOTE: This item does not ship to California.
Use With 5" H to 9.5" H Cans
Brand PIG
Category Aerosol Can Recycler
Coating No
Lockable No
Vapor Minimization Disk Not Required
Color Black/White
Sold as 1 each
Weight 45.2 lbs.
# per Pallet 18
Composition Body: Aluminum Alloy A380
Pins: Hardened Steel
Gaskets: Neoprene

1 - Puncture Unit

1 - 12" x 18" Instruction Sign

1 - 5' Long Grounding Wire (DRM1235)

1 - Goggles (GLS290-AF)

2 - PIG® Combination Coalescing/Carbon Filter (DRM1265)

UNSPSC 76121502
Pigalog® Page Number Page 256


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