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MS Powder MS Elite Cart Powder Spray System - Single Applicator, Fluid Hopper, w/ 16m Hose

MS Powder MS Elite Cart Powder Spray System - Single Applicator, Fluid Hopper, w/ 16m Hose

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Description:  This versatile system is ready for your manual powder coating needs. The MS elite is a small stand-alone coating unit. The unit consists of a MS elite M5 manual powder spray gun, a controller and an elite suction system or fluidized hopper with T9 pump. These items are all on a mobile cart. Basic control units come standard with Deluxe units sold separately. Dual applicator carts are also available.

The base of the cart can be configured two ways. For the vibratory box fed version, there is a vibrator which mobilizes the powder in suspension allowing easier transport to the applicator. For the fluidized hopper, pneumatic pressure is used to mobilize the powder to allow transport to the applicator.


  • Minimal assembly required.
  • Controller is IP64 FM/ATEX rated, capable of in-booth placement and operation.
  • Balanced, ultralight powder spray gun reduces user fatigue and improves ergonomics. On-gun controls allow for program and powder flow adjustments with ease.
  • Automatic built-in cleaning system, achieve color changes in as little as 30 seconds.
  • Patented corona feedback system ensures high-quality coating without additional accessories.
  • 7-inch color toughscreen with intuitive controls and display, featuring multiple languages.
  • Easy storage of up to 96 programs.
  • Preload standard programs for first coat, recoat, metallic powder and complex-part geometry.

Parts & Accessories:

Nozzle Extensions

MS Elite Powder M5 Manual Gun

MS Elite Control Unit Basic

MS Elite Control Unit Deluxe

Powder Hoses - 6m, 10m, 16m, 20m

Flat Nozzle Set

Round Nozzle Set

Venturi Nozzle

Powder Hose Connector w/ O-Ring

Fluid Hopper Injector

Vibratory Box Feed Injector


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