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GENERIC, 80V 7.5 HP 3PH 230V HB75 Air Compressor

GENERIC, 80V 7.5 HP 3PH 230V HB75 Air Compressor

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Generic Air Compressor; 7.5 HP 80 Gallon 3 Phase; The Power Torque 7.5 HP 230V 80 Gallon Baldor Powered Vertical Stationary Air Compressor will provide you with one of the most versatile and useful forms of energy available. With an air compressor you can complete your construction, maintenance, automotive repair, hobby, and craft projects faster than with traditional tools.

  • Patented pump design provides for a cooler running pump
  • Delivers maximum CFM at 175 PSI providing enough power to operate more than one air tool or device at one time
  • Baldor 3-phase industrial class electric motor runs at 1,770 RPM and is UL certified, NEMA rated
  • Equipped with pre-wired and mounted magnetic starter to save time and money
  • Large capacity, 80 gallon ASME certified tank
  • Extended tank drain valve, ball valve, and vibration isolators are included for ease of use


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