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V-Shaped Crack Squeegee Heads
V-Shaped Crack Squeegee Heads
V-Shaped Crack Squeegee Heads
V-Shaped Crack Squeegee Heads
V-Shaped Crack Squeegee Heads

V-Shaped Crack Squeegee Heads

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MARSHALLTOWN's V-Shaped Crack Squeegee Heads come in three different designs. The V-Shaped (Push & Pull) has a unique V-shaped design that allows you to push or pull material into cracks. The V-Shaped w/ Snap Handle Connector comes complete with an aluminum snap handle adapter for use with standard bull float handles. The V-Shaped Squeegee Head has a durable heavy duty frame. All three are great for fixing cracks on asphalt and concrete.
  • Three different designs
  • Great for filling cracks
  • All have black neoprene blades


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