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PBL LE485E Narrow Housing (1) Row LED Light Fixture

PBL LE485E Narrow Housing (1) Row LED Light Fixture

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This LE485E is a 4' LED light fixture with narrow housing and 1 row of lighting. It has a comparable light output as a (4) lamp T8 in a smaller housing. This footprint is equal to the 390420-3546 (2 lamp T8).

The LE485E Series is a recessed mount, front access, LED paint booth luminaire. This LED fixture is available in 4 Ft. lengths with 1 or 2 rows of LED’s; replacing your standard 2, 4, and 6 lamp fluorescent fixture. The LE485E Series fixtures is designed to fit into a double wall booth. This fixture can be used with or without optics, has dimming capabilities, and is available with an EM option. Designed as a cost effective and energy efficient solution to replace or upgrade your booth to LED lighting.


UL844 / CSA-C22.2 No.137 (Hazardous)

CI D2, Grps A,B,C,D

CII D2, Grps F,G

Paint Spray Listed

T Code: CI D2, CII D2=T6

UL1598 / CSA-C22.2 No.250 (Wet/Damp)

Lumen Maintenance (L70) >60,000 hrs. (reported)

CRI >80

-25°C to 55°C Ambient (IC / NonIC)


20 gauge white powder coated steel housing

Silicone free gaskets

4 Ft. length (nominal)

Clear, tempered glass lens access panel

1/2” NPT Hub(s)

Weights: Min: 42 lbs. / Max: 68 lbs.



6kV Built-in driver surge protection


Optional Dimming: 0-10V Recess mount - Front access

Withstands up to 71°C bake cycle for 90 minutes with fixture power interlock off

Emergency/Battery backup option available

Fits in the same cutout as Slim Light and 400 Series fluorescent fixtures

5 year warranty

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