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Scott™ 09335 Essential Dispenser, 10.65 in L x 12-1/2 in H x 10 in W, Plastic, Smoke
Scott™ 09335 Essential Dispenser, 10.65 in L x 12-1/2 in H x 10 in W, Plastic, Smoke
Scott™ 09335 Essential Dispenser, 10.65 in L x 12-1/2 in H x 10 in W, Plastic, Smoke
Scott™ 09335 Essential Dispenser, 10.65 in L x 12-1/2 in H x 10 in W, Plastic, Smoke

Scott™ 09335 Essential Dispenser, 10.65 in L x 12-1/2 in H x 10 in W, Plastic, Smoke

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Product Description

Kimberly-Clark Professional™ in-sight Sr. center pull paper towel dispenser is a great choice when efficiency and hygiene top your list of priorities. It is compatible with high-capacity center-pull paper towels by respected Kleenex® and Scott™Brands, and it offers no-touch dispensing, which helps reduce the spread of germs and dirt. The durable gray plastic material has a smoked transparent cover, and there are no moving parts, greatly reducing the possibility of mechanical failure. The towel dispenser features optional key-locking (to reduce pilferage) and an easy-loading design.


  • Kimberly-Clark Professional™ In-Sight Sr. center pull paper towel dispenser, smoke (translucent black), measures 10 x 12.5 x 10.65 in
  • Compatible with center-pull paper towels, such as those made by Kleenex® and Scott® Brands
  • Designed for one-at-a-time, touch-free dispensing, which helps reduces the spread of germs and dirt (guests only touch the towel they use)
  • Durable plastic design features a smoked transparent cover, so you can tell when it's time to replace the roll


More Information
Part No. 09335
Product Line KIM
MFR Model 9335
Manufacturer Kimberly-Clark
UPC 036000093350
Brand Scott™
Part Status A
Color Smoke
Size (in) 10.65
Material Plastic


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