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Karcher 1.291-254.0 - BDS 43/orbital C

Karcher 1.291-254.0 - BDS 43/orbital C

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The BDS 43/Orbital C with ORB Technology floor machine can do it all, better, and with more power. Our ORB Technology is what makes the difference. By providing true dual-motion orbital mechanics, we eliminate the harsh vibrations of the competition while giving you superior performance. Our pad lies flat on the floor resulting in better productivity, more even pad wear, and improved results. In addition, the machine is equipped with spray nozzles which distribute the required amount of cleaning solution to the area being cleaned.

Technical data

Power supply (Ph/V/Hz) 1 / 120 / 60
Ship Weight (with accessories) (lb) 132.3
Dimensions (L x W x H) (in) 40.2 x 20.5 x 15


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