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Karcher 1.005-293.0 - BDS 43/DUO C

Karcher 1.005-293.0 - BDS 43/DUO C

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The Kärcher BDS 43/Duo C is an all-surface cleaning, scrubbing, sanding, polishing, extraction and grinding floor machine. The patented dual-action Orb Technology gives the BDS 43/Duo C the versatility to clean multiple floor surfaces. Ideal for hard floor areas up to 7,500 square feet per hour and 3,000 square feet per hour of carpeted surfaces. This is truly an all-surface floor machine. Unlike traditional machines, the Kärcher BDS 43/Duo C generates thousands of 3/8” orbital contacts points that spin at 1725 rpms, while at the same time spinning at 80 RPM. The patented Orb Technology is a superior orbital mechanics system. It allows the machine to be more versatile and work on eight different floor surfaces.

Technical data

Miscellaneous (gal) 3
Brush speed (rpm) 80
Power supply (V/Hz) 110 / 60
Ship Weight (with accessories) (lb) 82
Dimensions (L x W x H) (in) 56 x 30 x 50


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