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Jackson Safety Variable ADF Welding Helmet - W40 Element (Not Entire Hood) (1587460210723)

Jackson Safety Variable ADF Welding Helmet - W40 Element (Not Entire Hood)

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JACKSON SAFETY ELEMENT Solar-powered Variable ADF Welding Helmet, Silver The Jackson Safety Element Welding with Variable Auto Darkening Filter (ADF) gives consumer welders essential features at an economical price. It has variable shade 9 – 13, sensitivity and delays adjustments, so you can get the job one right. Plus, it has two independent sensors and is solar-powered, so you never have to worry about batteries. The cartridge measures 3.78 x 1.65 inches. The Jackson Safety Element Welding Helmet meets ANSI Z87.1 – standards and is CSA compliant.
  • State-of-the-art technology at an economical price.
  • Solar-powered with two independent sensors.
  • Variable shade and delay controls.
  • Automatic on/off capabilities.
  • The auto-darkening filter offers variable shade 9 – 13, sensitivity and delay adjustments
  • The cartridge’s viewing field is 3.78″ x 1.65″ and includes two independent sensors
  • Solar-powered, so you won’t have to worry about changing batteries
  • Jackson Safety Element Welding Helmet meets ANSI Z87.1 – standards and is CSA compliant



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    0.10 Microseconds2 Sensors200-5003.78" x 1.65"all other productsAluminum MIGAuto-darkeningbf2023canadacatchallshipFlux CoredGreen LensGrind (Yes)jacksonMIGnomapnot canadaprisyncROAS 3Shade 3.0Shades 9-13spo-defaultspo-disabledStickThermoplasticTIG