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Honeywell- Tigerhood Thermoplastic Welding Helmets With Molded-In Glassholder & (2" x 4") Flip Up Lens - 1/EA

Honeywell- Tigerhood Thermoplastic Welding Helmets With Molded-In Glassholder & (2" x 4") Flip Up Lens - 1/EA

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Honeywell- Tigerhood™ Thermoplastic Welding Helmets With Molded-In Glassholder, Flash Barrier, & Wide Vision
Provides extended throat protection while blocking fumes and smoke from the face. Molded from Noryl®. Size and shape allow air to circulate, helping to clear any smoke and fumes that seep in and to evaporate perspiration in the perforated sweatband. (If hazardous fumes are present, appropriate respirators must be worn). Molded-in colors eliminate chipping, peeling and fading; and smooth, seamless shell deflects sparks and spatters, reducing the risk of burn through. 

  • Exclusive, 3C free-floating headgear with multiple wearing adjustments comfortably accommodates protective spectacles and respirators.
  • Available with Speedy® Loop system for frequent on and off use with protective caps. Fibre-Metal® welding helmets are SEI certified.
  • Comes complete with Shade 10 filter plate installed.
  • Gray in Color.


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2" x 4.25"all other productsANSI Z87.1-2010bf2023canadacatchallshipDark LensGrayhoneywellnogooglenomapnot canadaPassiveprisyncprisynctoadd100324ROAS 3Shades 10spo-defaultspo-disabledThermoplastictyveksuitunder-200Welding Helmets