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Trimaco X•Board Paint + Remodel Seam Tape (12pk)

Trimaco X•Board Paint + Remodel Seam Tape (12pk)

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This 2″ heavy-duty tape covers X•Board seams quickly and easily to provide superior surface protection. The tough surface protection tape is designed with kraft backing and contractor grade adhesive to last throughout your job. This heavy duty tape lays out flat when applied. Seam tape is flexible and easy to work with.

To apply, simply overlap X-Board Surface Protector roughly half an inch. While keeping in place, tape along seams and smooth down. To secure surface protector, use a less aggressive option like Trimaco’s BlueEdge painting tape around the perimeters. Do not use tape directly on floors. Test before use.
  • Surface Protection Seam Sealing Tape
  • Strong and made to last throughout job
  • Made in the USA
  • 1.89″ x 164′
  • Works well with Trimaco’s X•Board to provide floor protection

If looking for a 3” wide option, check out our FloorShell Contractor-Grade Tape
Learn more about Trimaco’s Heavy Duty Surface Protectors, Protective Films and other unique job site and surface protection products.

NOTE: Send us a message to get a free sample of this product!


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