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Grizzly T33967 - 23" 9-Drawer Red Oak Chest of Drawers
Grizzly T33967 - 23" 9-Drawer Red Oak Chest of Drawers
Grizzly T33967 - 23" 9-Drawer Red Oak Chest of Drawers
Grizzly T33967 - 23" 9-Drawer Red Oak Chest of Drawers
Grizzly T33967 - 23" 9-Drawer Red Oak Chest of Drawers

Grizzly T33967 - 23" 9-Drawer Red Oak Chest of Drawers

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T33967 23" 9-Drawer Red Oak Chest of Drawers

A solidly constructed chest of drawers to organize and protect your tools and collectibles.

This beautifully crafted storage unit features a hand-rubbed red oak exterior for visual appeal.

Keep all your fine tool bits, measuring tools, and various machine accessories easily organized with this addition to your shop.

The felt lining in each drawer keeps your items in place and protected from scratches and dents.

Chrome-plated hardware nicely complements the finish and offers reinforcement for daily use.

Interlocking joints and solid core construction provide strength to withstand years of wear and tear.

A locking bar prevents unauthorized access to your tools and collectibles so you can store them worry-free.

This red oak chest of drawers is a perfect choice for storing tools and special items you want to keep secure and separate.

The T33967 23" 9-Drawer Red Oak Chest of Drawers can be used as a standalone chest or be combined with other cabinets:


  • T33820 23" 2-Drawer Red Oak Mid-Riser with Shelf
  • T33821 23" 8-Drawer Red Oak Roller Cabinet with Table
  • T33968 23" 3-Small Drawer Red Oak Mid-Riser
  • T33969 23" 3-Large Drawer Red Oak Mid-Riser
  • T33974 23" 18-Drawer Red Oak Mid-Riser


  • Large drawer: 20-3/4" W x 7-1/4" D x 1-7/8" H
  • 2 Medium drawers: 20-3/4" W x 7-1/4" D x 1-1/8" H
  • 6 Small drawers: 9-5/8" W x 7-1/4" D x 1" H
  • Approximate shipping weight: 29 lbs.
  • Overall dimensions: 22-3/4" W x 10" D x 11-1/2" H


  • Sturdy oak construction with red oak finish
  • Felt-lined drawers
  • Chrome-plated hardware
  • Interlocking joints and solid core construction
  • Locking mechanism for security


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