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Grizzly T33899 - 30" Power Tool Charging Station
Grizzly T33899 - 30" Power Tool Charging Station
Grizzly T33899 - 30" Power Tool Charging Station
Grizzly T33899 - 30" Power Tool Charging Station
Grizzly T33899 - 30" Power Tool Charging Station

Grizzly T33899 - 30" Power Tool Charging Station

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T33899 Power Tool Charging Station

Increase your shop efficiency with a dual-purpose, tool storage and charging station.

This convenient system features three sections to keep your tools organized, batteries charged, and your shop running more efficiently.

The lower shelf has specially designed hangers for storing up to 6 cordless power tools, such as drills, impact drivers, and more.

The upper shelf has a 4-outlet surge protector and room for multiple chargers so you can easily keep your batteries charged and out of the way while your tools are being stored.

It also has 2 USB ports for charging your phone, laptop, and other devices.


  • Top shelf: 28-3/8" W x 7-5/8" D x 5" H
  • 2 Mid shelves: 28-3/8" W x 10" D x 7" H
  • Tool hanging bays: 4-1/8" W x 10" D x 4-5/8" H with 1-1/2 slots
  • Overall dimensions: 30" W x 10" D x 26" H


  • Easy to hang on the wall to save floor and bench space
  • High-quality metal construction
  • Comes completely assembled
  • 1-year limited warranty

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